Sales Manager & his responsibilities

Sales Managers have one of the toughest jobs in the world! Why? You have management driving you like a dog, you have fewer resources than most other department heads, none of the other departments are cooperative, sales departments are dumped on like no other, you deal with primadonna’s, weaklings, self proclaimed studs, whiners, complainers, excuses, and you typically close more that 80% of the business yourself.

So I hope to impart some help for those of you that reside between a rock and a hard place. Sales management can be a great place if you have equality between authority and responsibility. However if this equilibrium is out of kilter one degrees you are trapped in a world of funk.

The Sales Manager is responsible for Sales, Financial Performance, Staff Supervision and Daily Operations of the storage facility. We promote an environment where the independent, responsible, entrepreneur will have the greatest opportunity to prosper.

• Provide excellent customer service.
• Aggressively market and lease storage spaces.
• Proactively promote the sale of sundry items and insurance.
• Hire, supervise, motivate and train all members of the facility team.
• Continuously seek out opportunities to increase financial results beyond budget expectations.
• Maintain excellent facility appearance and cleanliness.
• Manage expenses within budget constraints.
• Timely administration of banking requirements and processing of payables. Maintain accurate records of all types.
• Effectively manage customer delinquency by way of established debt collection procedures.
• Timely and accurately submit reports to SIMI.
• Oversee minor maintenance and janitorial tasks as required.
• Supervise outside contractors working on site.
• Actively develop and administer the annual operating budget and marketing plan.
• Nurture and enhance SIMI’s positive image and relationship with the property owner and the public.
• Assume responsibility for and supervise all aspects of daily facility operations of this business that may occasionally require response to after hours issues, directing subordinates or other situations as needed on a 24x7 basis.
• Other tasks as may be assigned from time to time.
We are an equal opportunity employer and prefer to promote qualified individuals from within.

The 7 Biggest Responsibilities of Sales Management by Joe Verde

If you want your sales people to start doing the job you hired them to do, then as managers, you need to do the seven most important parts of your job first!

1. Create the rules and procedures for your sales department, and define their job.
One of the biggest reasons salespeople aren’t doing their jobs in most dealerships is because management never clearly defined the job or clearly defined how they want the job done.
In real life, the porter gets a clearer picture of what he is supposed to do at work every day than a typical salesperson. It’s time to tell your salespeople what you want them to do and then show them how to do it. Don’t make this tougher than it has to be. Keep it simple – get together with all of the managers at the dealership and make a list of everything you expect them to do. Next, explain to your salespeople how you want it done, and then teach them how to do it.
2. Properly staff your sales department.
Once you’ve decided exactly what a job in sales at your dealership requires, it’s time to find the best salespeople who are qualified to do the job. And it’s the word “qualified” that’s the catch here, because the biggest mistake managers make in hiring is that they hire nice people, instead of qualified people. And unfortunately, a bunch of nice people who can’t sell, will break you. Where can you find more qualified salespeople? Two tips:
1) Always be recruiting – everywhere you go.
2) Set up a referral bonus program with all of your employees to help bring in great candidates.

3. Properly train everyone on your sales team.
You defined the job, wrote the procedures, and hopefully, hired qualified salespeople with the desire to succeed. Now it’s time to train them properly. Daily training is the secret to success. Three keys to holding the best training in town: Keep it interesting, informative, and valuable. Here is a short list of topics to train on: The basic steps of the sale; closing; overcoming objections; follow-up; prospecting; and handling incoming sales calls.

4. Track and evaluate everyone on your sales team.
You’ve spelled out the job, you’ve hired the right salespeople, and you’re training them daily. Now, to make sure they’re doing what you spelled out and taught them to do – you need to track, chart, and monitor their progress every day. You also want to track so you’ll know what specific training each person, and the team, needs to improve. What to track:
1) Sales activities – the minimum: ups, demos, write ups, and deliveries.
2) Sales results – units and gross.
3) Repeat and referral customers.

5. Motivate the sales force.
Do you know why people quit your dealership? Because they didn’t like it there. You know why most salespeople don’t sell more? Because there are more de-motivating things going on than there are motivating things. To make up for it, managers toss up a few bonuses and can’t understand why nobody likes being in “sales.” The easiest way to motivate your salespeople is to sit down with the other managers and come up with a list of what’s demotivating your staff right now, then start making the changes you know you need to make.
Remember, everyone likes two things:
1) Their (correct) paycheck on time.
2) Positive recognition for a job well done.

6. Set the goals for the sales team.
Management sets the goals for the dealership. Once you’ve decided on the goals for the store, then you do the trickle down thing with goals for each individual on the sales team. Their goals must equal your goals. And then you need to make sure they hit their goals.
To achieve your goals:
1) Always write them down.
2) Always have a clearly defined written plan of attack – success is always in the details.

7. Lead your sales team.
This is actually the easiest of all. In fact, leadership isn’t a separate responsibility, it’s really just the end result of doing everything we covered. When you help your team succeed through good management and coaching skills, don’t worry, you’ll earn their respect and you’ll be seen as their leader.

10 Leadership Qualities

In business, managers don't become leaders overnight. Even “born” leaders don’t start out possessing all of the skills that would ideally feature in a list of leadership qualities.

To be a strong leader, managers need to possess numerous skills and qualities, a list of 10 leadership qualities essential to successful leadership include:
1. Vision, a good leader has a clear picture of the objectives of the organization and also the objectives of their team and individuals within it.

2. They also need to have a clear strategy in how they will achieve these objectives, and the ability to form a strategic plan.

3. A list of leadership qualities also includes the ability to make decisions. Good leaders show strength in making difficult and unpopular decisions; they have confidence in their own ability and the strength of their own convictions. A good leader understands that indecision on their part wastes resources and denies the organization opportunities.

4. Risk taking also forms part of any list of leadership qualities. Leaders must have the strength and courage to act in business situations where they are not guaranteed success; a good leader is willing to risk failure.

5. The ability to motivate others is a one of the most important qualities within a list of leadership qualities. A good leader articulates their vision to others, persuading them of the worth of their ideas. A leader inspires people in working towards the objectives of the organization as well as ensuring that they achieve their personal goals. Pushing the Individual to achieve and develop for the benefit of themselves and the organization as a whole.

6. Alongside motivation leaders build teams ensuring that they draw the best from each individual and the team as a whole, they coach teams to ensure collaboration, consensus and resolve conflicts.

7. Self knowledge and awareness also feature in the list of 10 list leadership qualities, a good leader knows their own strengths and weaknesses and are able to view their behavior objectively and also reflect on their own practice. They need to both demonstrate the ability to acknowledge feedback but also to act upon that feedback and make changes where necessary.

8. Integrity is vital in any leader and would appear in a list of leadership qualities, leaders need to be trustworthy in order for others to follow them.

9. Good leaders also pursue life-long learning, a key quality is the desire in leaders to continually learn and develop, and they must show openness to new ideas. Reflection is a key element of lifelong learning if leaders are to improve, develop and adapt to the constantly changing business environment.

10. A high priority in any list of leadership qualities is communication; leaders can communicate their ideas to a diverse workforce and adjust their style in meeting the needs of the people they lead.

Finally in the list of leadership qualities leaders have a strong role to play in helping others to succeed in both the teams and with individuals they lead. Leaders empower and enable others in the pursuit of success; they inspire people to reach their full potential, which in turns benefits the organization.

Leadership Management - by Brad Sean

The major qualities of Leadership Management – by Brad.

Before discussing the above topic, a leader should have a clear visualization before acting or doing any things. Here I am going to distribute some valuable thoughts that facilitate the modern days’ leaders to achieve their dreams.
Today the majority of the life style has been changed due to the changes in the quality of the demand. As a result an organization needs more productive outcome with less expenditure.

To be an effective leader, one should develop the followings
In order to complete the objectives, leaders require good visualization.

As a mentor, he/she should acquire responsibilities of teaching the product and by closely monitoring the team to lead to victory.

It’s simple, to be a winning team leader, you have to be a good motivator.

One should have the capability of making effective decisions in all relevant.

Through setting unique examples (innovative) you can able to channel your team to winning streams.

The most important aspect of an intellectual leader is to build his/her team in a more logical way than him.

Through enhancing the cleverness, leaders can perform or achieve their dreams with flying colors. In many occasion leaders have faced issues in raising their team moral at the time of facing difficulties. To overcome these situation leaders must develop their abilities to defeat the troubles along with setting examples in order to complete the mission.

Nowadays, the trend is that leader should make a quick result as they play most vital role in all segments and has responsibilities to improve the sales with ample time.

By emergent the exceeding behaviors a leader can achieve their goals efficiently. 

How to overcome leadership obstacles? - by Brad Sean

"Your thought defines your action; your action decides the end result you get”
As a person in charge (Leader), you have to characterize your capabilities and get each day better. The most complicated part is to categorize your capabilities and also to identify which of your potential will be best to go well to fulfill your necessity.
 To overcome these, leaders should execute a strategy before getting into an assignment; the best approach is to plan and analyze the progresses that facilitate you to get the best result.  Whereas time ticks more promptly, you have to acquire best result within your allotted period.

Moreover, spend most of your time in learning and researching that will illustrate you as matchless from others. For instance, to improve your conversation skill at the moment of testing situation and to defeat those do not express your same style of approach to everyone.

Most of you do the same slip-up. Keep in mind that each person is not the same; since it is tricky to identify like chalk and cheese. So repeat your high quality action as many or start building a character in you to achieve these valuable merits.

If you are aggressive and capable to make effective decisions along with problem solving pattern in your work place, in that case you can be a better leader.

Here is the format for this pattern
  • ·         Define and limit problems
  • ·         Create checklist of criteria
  • ·         Identify promising solution
  • ·         Calculate solution based on criteria
  • ·         Select best solution
  • ·         Discuss performance
Here is the format for Bad news pattern
  • ·         Cushion audience
  • ·         Bridge with conversion
  • ·         Deliver the bad news
  • ·         Explain reasons
  • ·         Suggest alternatives
  • ·         Rebuild the good will
The main feature of a leadership is to generate opportunities and to build a positive (trust) environment. Fabricate your fellow workers as well as demonstrate the importance of team work and its successes will pass more prospects. Always attempt to motivate your team, set an example as a leader, appreciate them. The most important is to take more share of blame and less share of appreciation.

How to overcome challenges faced by today’s Leaders? - by Brad Sean

For years, many have observed that challenges faced within leaders are some way common, though there is difference in every scenario. But there is a lot of difference in how they handle their situations? Most of today’s leaders do not try to examine or understand the circumstances better. If they have done an accurate preparation before, then they can stay away from that situation. I know you may arise a question now! “What can I do, if an angry customer is sitting in front of me then which formula may work to end this scenario?” There is no such formula can help you to solve this problem. But there is way to handle this circumstance. If you are the sales person who handled this customer previously, then you are the one responsible for this reason. So try to accept your mistakes and immediately declare and request for apologies. Subsequently attempt to control the situation by involving a superior or other sales person, through that you may properly win his anger.

One of the biggest contribution to the poor management is bad decision, bad hiring policies and partiality ( favoritism between the employees ). These are the main cause of having a character of EGO. Everyone has to run off this bad character which can mess up your entire career. Accordingly make an effort to control your egos then you can win whatever difficult situation. If you do these, almost your internal problems could be answered.

Many scholars said that if you want to feel good then you have to change your attitudes. When you sharpen your positive thoughts ( attitude ), your action looks better then you can get best result. So it is good to change your attitudes.

As a leader, one of your biggest frustration is probably the lack of time to perform all the work required to you. Knowing you need to keep improving yourself for better planning, analyzing, organizing, motivating, inspecting, innovating, developing people, improving leadership qualities, communication along with the most important is to build the team spirit and to create a better understanding in the team through that you can bring best productive in day to day business rather than creating an alien environment with the agreed TIME. Why not, you look serious in your time and properly as a leader identify who is capable enough to finish this work. When you able to recognize or discover which person in your team then split your work to get prompt action. When you give more importance to work to finish in time that would bring success for you.

And I constantly hear from many people that, how do I motivate my employees? I reply them, “You can’t!”. Motivation is an individual responsibility. The genuine challenge for a leader is to create an fearless environment in where co-workers will self motivate themselves for a better performance.

“ Motivation is a fire from within, if someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly” – Stephen R. Covey

It really doesn’t matter what device or which way you adapt a system or a strategy to development of your skills to be a better leader or a business man. If you want to be a best leader, it is vital that you develop the right attitudes and approaches to develop yourself and your surroundings.

“ If I fail, it will be for lack of ability and not of purpose” – Abraham Lincoln.